22:58 < Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA> IS there any nice wood textures in hl or opfor? 22:58 < deathz0rz> in DoD, but i dont know if you may use them 22:59 < Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA> Dod sucks bull 22:59 < [ICR]|Working_on_engine> dod kicks arse 22:59 < Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA> whatever 22:59 < deathz0rz> dod rulez yeah 22:59 -!- MrBen is now known as MrHatesEveryone 23:00 * diablone\afk loves ben 23:00 * Campaignjunkie loves MrBen 23:02 * Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA loves MrBrn 23:02 * Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA loves MrBen 23:02 < Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA> join the club, yay 23:02 * [ICR]|Working_on_engine hates Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA 23:02 * Campaignjunkie hates Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA 23:04 * deathz0rz hates Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA because of his nick 23:04 < Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA> hmm¨ 23:04 < Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA> quote: everyone is against me! 23:04 -!- Zombie-COWBOYMAPPINGYEEHAAA is now known as CowBojsare 23:04 -!- CowBojsare is now known as CowBojsareZombie 23:05 -!- DrStrangelove [~damnarse@13.ppp132.rsd.worldonline.se] has joined #valveerc 23:05 < CowBojsareZombie> hate HIM instead 23:06 -!- Kage_Prototype [~trillian@public1-bagu4-5-cust92.manc.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #valveerc 23:06 < MrHatesEveryone> kage! 23:06 < Kage_Prototype> Benzor! 23:07 < Kage_Prototype> why the universal hate? 23:07 * MrHatesEveryone shrugs 23:07 < MrHatesEveryone> :D 23:07 < MrHatesEveryone> They're bullying me in #nightwatch :( 23:07 < Kage_Prototype> fair enough 23:07 < Kage_Prototype> heh 23:07 < Kage_Prototype> good!